
Sikkim , Gangtok

THE MYSTIC MG ROAD - SIKKIM GANGTOK In remembrance of Mahatma Gandhi  , each road or street in India is named as MG marg. None of the MG marg gives you a worth of an experience except the one and the only exceptional MG Marg in Sikkim. Breathtaking is the view of this MG marg at Gangtok , that I fell in love by that instant. The freshness in the air, exotic sightseeing, walk on the new market side of the MG marg , sipping hot steaming Sikkim tea, trying the local Tibetan bread blew me off. View from my room I visited Sikkim during the month of April and was living in a hotel named Tibetan hotel located at MG Marg. I can say that the view from my hotel was so exhilarating that I could see clouds passing in to my room and best was the view of Mt. Kanchenjunga. Most of the days it was raining and there was chillness in the air , but literally I was inhaling the pure fresh air. At night our room use to get filled with fog or cloud and my friends would light a ca

Tea tasting @ Darjeeling : Relaxation & Bliss

My new post will be all about Darjeeling .I had recently been to Darjeeling in the month of April (end of the month). It’s a beautiful place and has immense natural beauty, never ending hills and pleasant weather. Darjeeling is connected to bagdogra airport or the NJP Station only by cabs. You get these cabs on share or you rent one. To rent a cab will only cost you 1000-1500; it will take you 4-5 hours to get there. The Best parts of Darjeeling are the Tea Tasting centres. I am not at all a tea lover, was apparently only a coffee lover, but the weather and the simplicity of the northeast made me taste various kinds of Tea at Nathmulls. It was so relaxing to the mind and body. I fell in love with the place and the Tea!! Hence from here my Love for “ONLY” Darjeeling or you can say authentic tea had started.  Do taste the “First Flush”/ “Second Flush” tea products as they are the most exotic & aromatic of all the Tea’s exquisite products’. P.S Tea with


Who would like to wake up on a Sunday morning after all the late night partying on Saturday night? We get home very late; and very rarely we sleep in our own homes, and when we wake up and have a look at our clocks, it is either 11Am or 12 Pm. At this time on Sunday starts T HE SUNDAY BRUNCH ...... My Experience with Mumbai’s Sunday brunch is limited only to the Luxury hotels only. Worth is the deal they give - Unlimited alcohol, unlimited starters, unlimited main course, unlimited desserts & the favourite part - Unlimited Espresso’s. Hotel - Taj Lands Ends Restaurant - Vista Price - 3800 per head approx . What’s for the Brunch - The best exclusive deal I ever had on this brunch is the Moet & Chand Champagne along with a Sturgeon / Salmon caviar. For 3000 bucks you get the World class champagne along with caviar. Add to this we can also have an unlimited number of Foei grass.  Then we have the various cold cuts. Ranging from the Oysters, Shellfish, Crabs and

"Potato Curry - Coconut Milk"

Hello guys, My first Blog would be about a dish that i have cooked myself ! Since i LOVE Potatoes :) its a potato curry, and the name of my dish is "Potato Curry (Ishtu) - In Coconut Milk". Its a very simple Dish which is easy and quick to cook. It would be specially for people who live on their own in Mumbai, and also miss their homemade food back home. :) Potato Curry – In Coconut Milk (Ishtu) Ingredients for 3-4 servings-  Potatoes cubed - 2 cups  Coconut milk - 1/2 cup thick + 1/2 cup thin milk from 1/2 coconut.  Dry Red chilies - 2-4, according to taste, broken into pieces.  Onion - 1/2 cup chopped  Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp.  Fenugreek Seeds- 5-6 Seeds  Turmeric Powder.  Salt - 1/2 tsp. or according to taste  Oil - 1 tbsp.   Curry Leaves 10-15 Cooking method: Heat oil in a pan. Add cumin seeds, Fenugreek seeds & Curry Leaves. Fry for a few seconds. Add chopped onion and red chili pieces. Sautee onion till i